[mkd_blockquote text=”We founded The Moon Sisters with the aim to make the yoga community and classes accessible to all lifestyles. Your Yoga, Your Time, Your Place. Through your online membership, our teachers aim make sure no area of your mind or body is left out though our versatile guided classes. They’re committed to bringing people together through our online yoga platform, The Moon Sisters. Building strong relationships is at it’s core, so you know that your Moon Sister will always have your back.” width=”70″]
[mkd_process_holder number_of_items=”three”][mkd_process_item custom_image=”15584″ title=”WHAT?” text=”Your in-studio feel, at home. Founded with one aim: Yoga community and classes accessible to all lifestyles! Your Yoga, Your Time, Your Place.”][mkd_process_item custom_image=”15804″ title=”WHY?” text=”Bringing ENERGY back to your home practice, we noticed that taking online classes can become impersonal and tedious.”][mkd_process_item custom_image=”15805″ title=”WHERE?” text=”Literally anywhere! At home, on your lunch break or while you travel. All classes go straight to your inbox so you can do them in your own time. All while your community are always a click away, connected always through WhatsApp or social media.”][/mkd_process_holder]
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